Remote Option For Fall Is Pending Removal, Students Are Excited

For me, being remote currently, and having been for two semesters now; I am excited to be able to attend classes in-person this fall....Read More

By Theo Klinger, Staff Writer

As the spring semester flies by, students are beginning to wonder if the remote option will exist as we get closer to the fall semester. COVID-19 cases are beginning to drop, and vaccinations are being distributed. So, is there really a need for a remote option next semester?

For me, being remote currently, and having been for two semesters now; I am excited to be able to attend classes in-person this fall. At the beginning of the pandemic, I thought it would be nice to be able to stay at home in my own space and do classes at the same time without having to put together outfits, walk to  classes and not have to worry about having writing utensils that worked for each class. This state of mind only lasted for about a week before I was eager to be able to return to campus in a normal way.

When last semester started, I decided to return to campus with the hope of not having to worry about the pandemic anymore. I only stayed for three weeks before I decided to go fully remote, worried that I would get the virus as it was spreading throughout campus, and I would be unable to return home. My mother is very susceptible to the virus, and I worried that I would put her in danger if campus ended up being shut down.

I personally hope that with next semester, everyone will be able to return to campus. I do not want remote courses to be an option because I find it important to finally come together again. Students have been robbed of their first year on campus, their senior year on campus and even sports seasons. I don’t think I am the only one who hopes that we can be as normal as possible for all upcoming semesters and remain safe while doing so. 

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