Spring has come to Susquehanna

Writer reflects on the joy that warmer weather brings campus....Read More

By Emma Bertsch, Staff Writer

Spring has finally sprung- I think. It seems as though we get one nice day and then a week of rain, clouds and cold weather. Nonetheless, spring is here, and with that comes a new atmosphere on campus.

People are outside doing their homework, relaxing with friends, or playing sports, which brings the campus to life. It is pretty refreshing to see after the cold winter where at any given moment, campus (at least on the outside) is a ghost town.  

Whether you are a person who enjoys the outdoors or not, there is no denying that when it is 65 degrees or above and sunny, you should be outside. As a transfer student experiencing my first entire spring semester in person, I must say that the warm weather on campus has been a great thing to experience.  

You wouldn’t think that a simple change of temperature would significantly affect the campus as a whole, but it definitely does. Everyone seems to have more energy and happiness when the sun comes out. Something about doing your homework or studying when it is 70 degrees and sunny makes it a little more bearable.  

So, grab a table at the Degenstein patio or an Adirondack chair and pull out your books, and I promise you, it will make doing your homework much more enjoyable. In addition to just being able to do your work outside, there are also a lot more events happening on campus now as well. From clubs to Greek life to recreational sports, lately, it seems like there is always something going on outside. Even if you do not attend the event itself, it is nice to see everyone out and enjoy the different things Susquehanna has to offer.  

The warmer weather is bringing life to this campus, and I feel quite fortunate to be here to experience that, considering my last two spring semesters were spent at home, in front of a computer screen taking classes on Zoom.  

But whether you are participating in an event, sports, relaxing, or doing homework, it is always better outside, under the sun. So, I recommend that you ditch the dorm and get outside and catch some sunshine for these last few weeks. 

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