Campus leaders answer questions about reopening plan

Answers about testing, residence life and education quality....Read More

By Victoria Durgin, Editor in chief

The following is a question and answer segment with information from several departments. We will continue to post Q & A segments like this one as the summer and semester progress. You can send your questions to or DM us @thesuquill on Instagram and Twitter.

Since SU is asking for insurance policies, are testing expenses going to be billed to students? Does this not include the health fee we already pay? ​

“Insurance companies may cover a portion of the testing cost, which is why the university will bill insurance companies. The university will cover all costs not covered by insurance; therefore, students will have no additional cost associated with testing.” Susan Lantz, vice president for student life

Is the Counseling Center going to be prepared for a situation in which more students seek their services due to anxiety/discomfort with the new guidelines?

“The Counseling Center is ready to start working with students one Day 1. We will have all-day open hours for the first two weeks, along with special opportunities to help students process the impact of the pandemic and racial tensions. In addition, we have done specific training to boost our skills to help students with anxiety and discomfort related to the pandemic and race-based stress.” Stacey Pearson-Wharton, dean of health and wellness and director of the Counseling Center

Why are students not allowed to visit each other (in dorm rooms) if we are still expected to be around those same people in the classroom every day? ​

“Students will be able to visit each other in first-floor lounges, in outside spaces, and in other locations across campus. We want individual residence hall rooms to be safe spaces for students.” Susan Lantz

How will the ban on guests in rooms be enforced?

“​We are asking for students to help us with compliance. Student safety will increase if all students abide by expectations outlined in the Plan. When informed of an issue by faculty, staff, or students, student life will review the situation immediately.” Susan Lantz

Will the library, gym and computer labs still be available, and if so, how?

​”We are still working through details on how students can safely access the library, gym, and computer labs. When we have our final plans, we will notify students.” Susan Lantz

How will professors and the university ensure that the quality of education does not differ between students on campus and those learning remotely?

“The decision to return to campus for in-person instruction or to complete classes remotely is a personal one for each student and their family. The Center for Teaching and Learning created a rigorous, comprehensive summer training course for faculty on delivering high-quality hybrid or remote instruction. Informed by the latest best practices in hybrid and remote instruction, this course has equipped faculty with the tools they need to continue Susquehanna’s tradition of teaching excellence combined with personal, supportive interactions in a uniquely challenging situation.” Dave Ramsaran, provost and dean of the faculty

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