Alcohol and the Negative Effects it Has

By Jeremy Richards, Staff Writer I remember the online session that Susquehanna University made freshmen go through before we entered the campus, in order to make sure that we...

By Jeremy Richards, Staff Writer

I remember the online session that Susquehanna University made freshmen go through before we entered the campus, in order to make sure that we completely understood the dangerous side effects of alcohol and how to be responsible with the substance.

And I think it was genuinely effective, as there were plenty of realistic scenarios that students can relate to and the information was valuable.

But I have my own personal philosophy as to why alcohol is a toxic form of pleasure.

Even before I started the session, I swore that I would never drink an alcoholic beverage.

If I am to drink something, I’d rather have a carbonated beverage.

Soft drinks may not be healthy for you, but they don’t mess up your mind like alcohol does.

Plus, there is a wide variety of soft drinks, along with many flavors.

Alcohol may appear to be diverse as well, with wine typically being more sophisticated while beer typically being more common.

But they all mainly have the same effect.

People get so infatuated with the substance that it can alter their mentality for the worse and lead them to potentially hurt others while in a drunken daze.

I don’t ever want my personality to be unnaturally warped by a drink.

Alcohol is not a healthy way to deal with personal issues.

Drinking your problems away does not sound like a meaningful way to help yourself.

Any happiness that it may bring will only be temporary and introduce you to a never-ending cycle of drinking that never results in permanent pleasure. And I never want to be sucked into that cycle.

If you experience some real emotional pain, then you should confide in someone who loves you.

It wouldn’t be fair to yourself to suffer when someone can help you.

I’m not going to preach that people should stop drinking alcohol.

If people want to drink alcohol, then it’s entirely their own choice.

But there are better ways to give yourself meaningful pleasure that will help you whenever you’re upset about something.

Whenever I do get upset, I would rather talk to a loved one because it is healthier to deal with pain this way.

Love is the best form of pleasure, because it is genuine and healthy.

Alcohol can give people pleasure, but it is a toxic form of pleasure.

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