Title IX: Information and Resources

By: Christiana Paradis (she/her), Director of Title IX Compliance  9.11.23 I’m excited to welcome you (back) to campus! As we embark on a new year, the Title IX Office...

By: Christiana Paradis (she/her), Director of Title IX Compliance 


I’m excited to welcome you (back) to campus! As we embark on a new year, the Title IX Office wanted to take a moment to discuss our office and what we do.  

The Title IX Office is dedicated to stopping, preventing and remedying incidents of sex and gender based discrimination and harassment on campus. We do this through a variety of a ways:  

  • assessing the university’s policies and practices with respect to gender equity 
  • providing outreach and education to the campus community about rights, options and resources  
  • responding to all cases of sex and gender-based discrimination or harassment 
  • coordinating efforts with appropriate departments for additional prevention or remedies 

To address any harms that occur on campus in a timely manner, it is critical that we know about them. That is where you come in! Reporting incidents of harm helps to guarantee that the person impacted by the harm is offered options, support, and connection to resources. 

If you are concerned about a friend but they’ve asked you not to report, you can always  encourage them to reach out to confidential resources on campus like: Counseling and Psychological Services; the Health Center; the Chaplain or Director of Jewish Life; or Transitions of PA, our local domestic and sexual violence center which provides services on campus in the Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Center. Contact information for all these resources can be found here, under How do I get help?  

You have the right to an academic experience free from harm, discrimination, or harassment. If at any point you have questions or concerns about something you’ve seen or experienced on campus, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office at: titleix@susqu.edu or 570-372-4302 or file a report directly using this link.  

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