What if I’m a witness to a TIX case?

By: Christiana Paradis, Director of Title IX Compliance   11.29.22  As a small campus community, we all have a duty to look out for one another and #ProtectTheNest. Sometimes this...

By: Christiana Paradis, Director of Title IX Compliance  


As a small campus community, we all have a duty to look out for one another and #ProtectTheNest. Sometimes this can look like walking someone home who has had too much to drink, checking in on a friend who has ghosted since they started a new relationship, or supporting a friend who has experienced sex or gender-based discrimination or harassment.  

Often as friends or supporters of someone who has been harmed you may take on the role of witness in addition to support person. As part of a Title IX investigation, our Title IX investigator may find it necessary to interview anyone who was aware of, witnessed a situation firsthand, or provided support in the aftermath.  

To help students feel more supported during a process, VIP Center Student Worker and Title IX Liaison Kristen Cruise, developed an amazing one-sheeter to help answer any questions that a friend or/supporter may have about what it means to be a witness in a Title IX case. To learn more, check out this resource.

Also, as a friend and support person of someone who has been harmed or someone who has been accused of harm, it is important to us that you are supported as well. Supportive measures are available not only to those directly affected by a situation, but students closely associated with a situation. If you need resources or support, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Title IX Office at titleix@susqu.edu  

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