Greek life hosts annual fall festival for students

By Samuel Hoffman, Contributing Writer Over homecoming weekend, Sigma Kappa and Phi Mu Delta hosted their annual Fall Fest celebration at the Sigma Kappa house.  The event took place...

By Samuel Hoffman, Contributing Writer

Over homecoming weekend, Sigma Kappa and Phi Mu Delta hosted their annual Fall Fest celebration at the Sigma Kappa house.  The event took place on the Saturday of Homecoming, Oct. 26.

There were many activities available to attendees.  There was a pumpkin painting table; a canopied mini-buffet complete with chips, sliders, cookies and soft drinks, and games such as  kan jam, cornhole and ladder ball.  There were also two wide spaces for picture taking, both of which had signs declaring the event.

In addition, there was a petting zoo, which was one of the most popular parts of Fall Fest. Attendees of the event were allowed to go in the pen and feed the animals.

“The community aspect of Fall Fest and seeing everyone together was really nice,” said sophomore Kylie Scullion, a sister of Sigma Kappa, “My favorite aspects were the animals, the games, and the fall weather.”

All the proceeds went to the organization’s respective philanthropies, Transitions of PA and Sigma Kappa Foundation PULSE fund.

Transitions of PA is a crisis center that seeks to end violence and abuse. 

They offer empowerment and education to the victims and survivors of violence and abuse, as well as their families and communities.

Sigma Kappa sister Rebecca Schell explained the Sigma Kappa Foundation, saying, “The Sigma Kappa Foundation creates and funds the scholarship, leadership and philanthropic initiatives that reflect the values of Sigma Kappa Sorority.”

Fall Fest is an annual event hosted by both Sigma Kappa and Phi Mu Delta.  This year, the event raised over $800 for Sigma Kappa and Phi Mu Delta and their philanthropies.

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