Coordinator Column

By Barbara Johnson, Title IX Coordinator What you would not hear about, is the complexity of the case, the person- al concerns of the students involved and the detailed...

By Barbara Johnson, Title IX Coordinator

What you would not hear about, is the complexity of the case, the person- al concerns of the students involved and the detailed findings of the investigation. Please trust the process. When you selected this university of educated, talented professionals to prepare you for the future, the same kind of educated, talented professionals developed the Title IX process here.

That process was guided by best practices out of the U.S. Department of Education, Office Civil Rights. I ask that you trust the process because our Title IX reports and cases are handled

by an awesome, trained team. Students make bad decisions when they drink. I learned about “pre-gaming” at a Title IX training. I was very surprised at how many students drink with the sole intent of getting drunk or intoxicated. I guess when you get older you recognize the risk associated with not being in control of your body or your words or your actions. I know, students are going to drink. So, I ask you to take care of each other. Have a plan that includes getting each other home safely after drinking.

You deserve healthy relationships.Some of us grew up in homes without healthy relationship role models, so we learned some unhealthy ways to treat others or be treated. I grew up that way. But, I began to look for people in relationships where happiness, respect, pride and love were visible.

You can find those role models among your faculty, in your faith community or in the local community where you volunteer or work. Happy couples love to share tips, so seek opportunities to learn more about what it feels like to be in a healthy relationship!

Finally, I want you to know that our Title IX cases are handled with concern and support for the students involved. They include trauma informed investigations and thorough conduct hearings, with outcomes based on the preponderance of evidence. All cases are complex. The spread of hear-say, rumors and opinions are always hurtful and never helpful.

If you have concerns about a Title IX incident, past or present, please complete the online Title IX report so it can be addressed confidentially, through the Title IX process.

If you would like to talk about the university process, I am always available to talk and explore ways to make our campus better!

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