The competition consisted of 10 contestants, three rounds and prizes ranging from medals to cash and even a manuscript consultation with the Slam Poetry executive board for the winner, first-year Nala Washington.
Category: Arts and Entertainment
Writers Institute presents poets Chet’la Sebree and Karla Kelsey – November 9
Poets Chet’la Sebree and Karla Kelsey will give a virtual reading of their work at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9th. This event is free and open to the public as part of the Seavey Reading Series at Susquehanna University’s Writers Institute.
SGA and Dean Kracker sponsor virtual 5K in honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The campus kickoff begins Sunday, Nov. 1 at 11:30 a.m. in front of the Blough-Weis Library. Registration is available on Sunday in-person or online through Nov. 3.
WQSU continues to showcase student talent
Every week, the performers never cease to impress and they continue to encourage everyone to take these types of opportunities
Theatre Department Announces “The Three Sisters” – November 12-15
A fresh, Zoom-inspired look at the classic Russian tragicomedy about heartbreak and absurdity. “While honoring the true spirit of Chekhov’s original play, this adaptation also humorously celebrates the unique experience of making theatre in the Zoom era.” – Dr. Jeanne Tiehen, the director of The Three Sisters.
WQSU helps student musicians show off their talents
“I wanted to make a way for our student musicians to showcase their art, music and talents,” Eaton explained, “Because of [COVID-19], a lot of students aren’t able to perform for the public, so I wanted to offer a platform for them to do so safely.”
Writers Institute presents poet Tatiana Figueroa Ramirez
“I want to empower women, particularly young women, and even more specifically young women of color,” Ramirez said.
Music With Morris: Run The Jewels 4
It’s a much needed album for the times, and it deserves a listen.
SU Theatre puts on hybrid “Trifles” and “The Outside”
The hybrid performance allowed students who would not have the opportunity to perform in a traditional sense to still participate.
The 24 Hour Play Festival is an experience in acting, writing, and directing for Susquehanna University theatre students, all in 24 hours.