Reason Inequality Continues is because it is the Norm, not the Exception

By Jessica Christensen

gray streetlight near building

On Thursday, Sept. 5 in Degenstein Theater, students at Susquehanna University had the opportunity to listen to Jason Riley, an opinion columnist at the Wall Street Journal, speak on social justice issues in America.  

According to Riley, most breaking news stories in the media tend to focus on negative aspects of life which can fuel movements that may not even be made on solid ground. Riley stressed to his audience that the news is too focused on using different cultures and backgrounds as a reason for societal divide when those differences should be celebrated. 

In terms of the media, Riley shared a startling statistic: “three out of 492 homicides in Chicago involved police” and 81% of Black residents nationwide said they want police coverage. However, he points out that news coverage over the past few years has focused on police brutality and movements to defund the police when that may not be the truth.  

Riley also voiced that if we keep smothering the numerous cultures that make America, there will be no uniqueness. Learning each other’s customs is a key factor in keeping a positive outlook on our differences instead of trying to fit everyone into one mindset.  

He does not deny that racism exists and that people have negative perceptions surrounding certain cultures; but if we continue to live with the idea of a separated society, future generations will have no choice but to focus on our differences. 




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