Visiting Writer Brings Life to Reading

By Sarah McMillin, Staff Writer Award–winning author Aminatta Forna presented a reading of her works as part of the Seavey Reading Series on March 5 in Weber Chapel Auditorium.  The reading focused on Forna’s new book, “Happiness.” “Happiness” follows...

By Sarah McMillin, Staff Writer

Awardwinning author Aminatta Forna presented a reading of her works as part of the Seavey Reading Series on March 5 in Weber Chapel Auditorium. 

The reading focused on Forna’s new book, Happiness. Happiness follows two main characters as their lives cross paths in London and deal with immigration. 

Forna read the opening scene and a later chapter in which one of the main characters figures out their own point of view. 

Sophomore Dalia Hamilton noted that Forna brought life to her reading. 

I know a lot of writers who read really blandly when they read their works, but she was like an actress,” Hamilton said. She was really good at having different inflections and almost performing her book. 

Hamilton also said that Forna provided inspiration for writers on campus. 

The fact that [Forna] became a writer more recently made it more of a cool thing to see that we can do it someday, Hamilton said. 

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