2018-2019 Student Government Allocations

Academic clubs: $5,400 total FUSE $750.00 Pre-Law $2,000.00 Geology Club $450.00 Programming Club $1,200.00 SU Screenwriters $- PRSSA $1,000.00 Club Sports: $146,800 total Equestrian Team $15,000.00 Western Riding Team...

Academic clubs: $5,400 total

FUSE $750.00
Pre-Law $2,000.00
Geology Club $450.00
Programming Club $1,200.00
SU Screenwriters $-
PRSSA $1,000.00

Club Sports: $146,800 total

Equestrian Team $15,000.00
Western Riding Team $11,500.00
Men’s Club Lacrosse $3,000.00
Ice Hockey Team $38,000.00
Ultimate Frisbee $2,200.00
Women’s Rugby $2,000.00
Crew Team $35,000.00
Men’s Rugby $37,600.00
Women’s Club Volleyball $1,500.00
Women’s Ultimate Frisbee $1,000.00

SGA-Funded: $31,350 total

Traxportation Account $4,000.00
General Funds Account $15,000.00
Student Fund Account $3,000.00
USA Today Newspaper $750.00
Trust Fund $-
Shuttle Account $5,000.00
MLK Convocation $3,600.00

Cultural Clubs: $6,650 total

Hillel $1,650.00
G.S.A $1,400.00
BSU $2,000.00
Asian Culture Association $800.00
ALAS $800.00

Networked Clubs: $10, 472.10 total

Active Minds $500.00
Enactus $3,642.10
Intervaristy $4,315.00
Best Buddies $450.00
NCBW $1,565.00

Campus Inclusive: $411, 846.32 total

Artist Series $12,500.00
Fall Musical $12,500.00
TRAX $34,050.00
S.A.C. Administration $3,000.00
S.A.C. Coffeehouse $8,000.00
S.A.C. Concerts $130,000.00
S.A.C. Films $4,500.00
S.A.C. Public Relations $3,450.00
S.A.C. Special Events $18,000.00
S.A.C. Annual Events $59,000.00
WQSU $18,842.00
The Lanthorn $35,930.00
The Quill $18,222.00
Homecoming $1,800.00
Charlie’s $52,052.32

Special Interest: $29,781.69 total

Lutheran Student Movement $200.00
Student Lib. Adv. Committee $1,200.00
SU Slam Poetry $3,750.00
Sub Popular Culture Club $100.00
Animal Club $400.00
SU Paranormal Club $450.00
Dance Corps. $1,000.00
Literary Magazines $7,500.00
Mock Trial $4,246.00
Model United Nations $3,075.69
Womens Speak $150.00
Her Campus $1,000.00
OSIA $1,200.00
Sign Language Club $250.00
SU College Democrats $200.00
Girls on the Run $200.00
Young Life $4,000.00
Beekeeping Club $200.00
CFAT $360.00
The Squirrel $300.0

TOTAL: $642,300.11

SUPPLEMENTAL ACCOUNT*: Projected Rollover in Supplemental Account: $0
Number of students: 2,312 Total Projected Budget: $693,6000
Student activities fee: $300 Projected Supplemental Funding: $51,299.98
*Note that this is based on number of students for the fall and spring semester and can be subject to change

For more information or questions, please contact Ashley Ward (warda@susqu.edu)



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