When Art and Culture Collide

By Haley Zeller

person doing wall graffiti

“If you can find your footing between two cultures, sometimes you can have the best of both worlds.” -Alex Perez Class of 2025 

The collaboration between SU Slam and ALAS pursues this aspiration in their collaboration happening on Wednesday, September 16th in Isaacs Auditorium The organizations hope to fuse creativity and acceptance in an open mic event that honors Latinx/Hispanic cultures, and writers of compelling, interactive poetry. Alex Perez (25’) excitably describes the event, saying, “It’s like seeing my two worlds collide into one. I can connect my love for writing with the deep love and appreciation I have for my culture.” As the Social Media Chair for SU Slam and the Treasurer of ALAS, Perez sees the collaboration between the two as the perfect way to deliver both clubs’ messages. Of SU Slam, he says, “One of the most important messages that Slam stands for is that you do not need to be the best writer in order to let your creativity overflow. Writing in and of itself is already an act of greatness, and this club embraces different writers at any step of their journey.” The accepting nature of Slam blends remarkably well with the central theme of ALAS. Perez emphasizes the message of ALAS as, “being welcoming to everyone who wishes to share and engage with Latinx culture. Regardless of whether you grew up with a strong Latinx community or you did not grow up with it at all, ALAS will always welcome you.”  

Both clubs wish to see students flourish in SU’s diverse community. The collaboration allows these groups of individuals to spread their values and encourage students to use their unique voices. Everyone has a story to share, and the stage welcomes all.  

With so many new faces on campus each year, plenty of opportunity arises for individuals to acclimate with their peers.  

Perez says, “I’m really excited to hear from the first years, both from ALAS and from SU Slam. I’ve met so many creative individuals from both clubs who are passionate about writing and sharing aspects of their culture, and it would be amazing to see them perform.” Not only does the collaboration welcome students of different backgrounds, but also students in different stages of their life. First years at SU will find that their voices are just as crucial as anyone’s to the culture on campus.  

With the upcoming collaboration, SU Slam and ALAS hope to see their presence on campus grow. Both clubs promote a safe environment for their members to have fun, learn about each other, and find a place of belonging. Perez hopes they continue to flourish, as well. His goal for SU Slam is to continue connecting with other clubs in order to provide more opportunities for writers and performers to sharpen their skills. For ALAS, he would like to see more cultural activities take place for LatinXe/Hispanic students to learn about and appreciate their culture.  

Overall, the open mic night collaboration will benefit students from all diverse backgrounds. In addition, writers will find a welcoming, appreciative audience to perform for. For those eager to share their experiences, the SU Slam X ALAS Open Mic Night harmonizes two worlds that, when combined, deeply cherish our differences.  

Arts and Entertainment
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