SU Orchestra previews storytelling ensemble

By Ellen Smith, Contributing Writer Susquehanna’s Symphonic Orchestra’s opened their rehearsal for a miniature preview of their fall performance concert from 5-6 p.m. on Oct. 8th in Stretansky Concert...

By Ellen Smith, Contributing Writer

Susquehanna’s Symphonic Orchestra’s opened their rehearsal for a miniature preview of their fall performance concert from 5-6 p.m. on Oct. 8th in Stretansky Concert Hall.

The performance was conducted by orchestra director Jordan Randall Smith and presented by the department of music.

The orchestra performed Susquehanna’s alma mater as well as songs such as Joseph Haydn’s “Symphony No. 104 in G Major (London)” and a selection by distinguished pianist and composer Clara Schumann.

Sophomore viola player Kiara Bryant talked about hers and the orchestra’s preparations for the preview and expectations about the upcoming concert on Nov. 23.

“Every orchestra gets first concert jitters, but the more we play with each other, the more comfortable and confident we become,” Bryant said.

“That’s why for the concert on the [23rd], I think it will be important for us to focus on the little things that can separate good orchestras from great ones. Things like intonation, playing with confidence and dynamics.”

For a performance simply titled “an open rehearsal” there was a good turnout.

While the crowd was smaller than the orchestra’s typical turnout for a full concert, Bryant said that they were able to complete their goal of staying together by creating a rich, quality sound.

Bryant said that her fellow musicians share the same feelings about the outcome of the performance.

“Our conductor Jordan Smith told us tonight before we started, ‘tonight’s about having fun and giving the audience something they can enjoy.’ And tonight we felt that. Everyone was proud about how we did tonight and feel that next time will be even better,” Bryant continued.

Besides the full Symphonic Orchestra concert on Nov. 23, the department of music has multiple other events planned for the rest of October and November.

Susquehanna’s Symphonic Band will hold their concert at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 12 in Stretansky and the Susquehanna Choir and Chamber singers will have their concert at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 8.

In keeping with the university’s 2019-2020 theme, “The Power of Stories” the band will showcase music’s storytelling ability and will feature performances by a wide variety of composers.

Other upcoming events will include guest artist recitals.

After fall break, on Oct. 24, faculty and guest artist Trio Kisosen will also perform in Stretansky at 7:30 p.m.

Trio Kisosen shares an interest in exploring new music as well as exploring the standard trio repertoire.

The last upcoming guest artist recital in October will feature horn player Gabrielle Finck and faculty Jaime Namminga on piano on Oct. 30 in Stretansky at 7:30 p.m.

All performances are presented by the department of music

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