Club to perform play

By Lily Gannon, Staff Writer Shakespeare Club will perform its annual production, this year the comedy “Much Ado About Nothing,” at 7:30 p.m. on May 4 in Degenstein Theater....

By Lily Gannon, Staff Writer

Shakespeare Club will perform its annual production, this year the comedy “Much Ado About Nothing,” at 7:30 p.m. on May 4 in Degenstein Theater.

The club is dedicated to promoting the works of Shakespeare and putting on performances for the community.

Shakespeare Club Vice President Nick Cardillo, said, “Shakespeare Club is a low-stress environment to have fun with some of the most revered plays of all time.”

Cardillo added that the annual production allows members to show off their hard work.

Shakespeare Club met Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 p.m. throughout the semester to prepare. Students involved spent the first half of the semester reading plays out loud and the second rehearsing for the performance.

The Shakespeare Club’s annual production is also featured as a part of the theatre department’s second stage season.

“It’s a lot of fun if you like Shakespeare and even if you don’t,” said Shakespeare Club President  Madison Niness.

Niness also added that being involved in Shakespeare Club means being willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone, especially if you want to audition for a role.

Niness said that though the Shakespeare Club has been established for many years, it was brought into the spotlight once it was linked to the theatre department.

Cardillo also emphasized what they hoped audiences would take away from the show.

“We hope to bring Shakespeare to [campus], showing students how much fun his plays can be,” Cardillo said.

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