SU wins two awards for submitted print and publication pieces

By Kayla Brown, Contributing Writer One award was not enough for Susquehanna, who won two awards in the Print and Publication category from CASE, a membership association this year....

By Kayla Brown, Contributing Writer

One award was not enough for Susquehanna, who won two awards in the Print and Publication category from CASE, a membership association this year.

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), helps colleges build strong relationships with alumni and donors, hosts conferences for professional development in university staff and assists institutions with marketing, communication and recruitment, according to their website.

CASE divides its North American members into districts based on location. Susquehanna resides in District II, alongside schools in the Mid-Atlantic area such as, New York University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, and many others.

Susquehanna won two awards from the 2019 Accolades Award Program, a program that is specific to District II schools, according to the CASE website.

Each year CASE gives out Accolade Awards in 30 categories; their website breaks them down into several sections including Alumni and Development, Marketing and Communications, Print and Publications, Digital Media, General and Platinum.

This year, Susquehanna submitted pieces for two categories within the Print and Publications section: Student Recruitment Individual Pieces and Staff Writing. The university won awards for each of them.

Susquehanna won bronze in the Student Recruitment Individual Pieces category for its Global Opportunities (GO) Abroad and Discover, a brochure created to show students benefits of studying abroad.

“University Communications staff did the appropriate research in advance of the project, by conducting focus groups at high schools in [Pennsylvania] and elsewhere to determine how students felt about study abroad,” director of digital and print communications, Betsy Robertson, said.

The brochure contains questions and answers regarding studying abroad, information on how Susquehanna ranks compared to other schools’ study abroad programs and pictures and stories of past GO trips.

The GO brochure was created by University Communications in collaboration with the Admission Office, and was designed by former Creative Director Amanda Lenig and Graphic Designer Erica Hoover.

Other contributors for the brochure were Vice President for Enrollment and Student Financial Services Madeleine Rhyneer and former Admission Staffer Michelle Richardson, according to MySU.

The university also took home gold in the Staff Writing category for a web package on internships that Susquehanna students were involved with during the summer of 2017.

The web package can be found on Susquehanna’s main website; it features various stories on internships that students had in summer 2017, as well as a list of where students of different majors have found internships in the past. The page includes three types of stories: stand-alone, wrap-up and photos with a quote.

The stories were written by Amanda O’Rourke, a digital communications and media specialist for the university, and digitally presented by Web Content and Social Media Manager Kate Weller.

“[These stories are] one of my favorite things to write…There are so many interesting internships… We often pick more than can be done,” O’Rourke said.

This is the first time that Susquehanna has won CASE awards in almost nine years. In 2010, the last time the university entered, the school won awards in five categories: Recruitment Search Publications, Miscellaneous Fliers and Brochures, Student Recruitment: Packages, Website: Institutional Home Page, and Best Article.

Susquehanna, along with the other winners, will be honored at the District II conference in Philadelphia between Mar. 24-26.

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