IT reiterates availability on campus, coming additions

SGA Weekly with Victoria Durgin, Asst. Digital Editor Fisher Hall has two new printers and Bogar Hall will soon see new printers as well, according to the IT report...

SGA Weekly with Victoria Durgin, Asst. Digital Editor

Fisher Hall has two new printers and Bogar Hall will soon see new printers as well, according to the IT report presented to SGA.

The department is also planning to increase the routine checks it makes on the printer in the lower level of Degenstein Campus Center.

Students with any concerns about printers or other technology should reach out to the IT Help Desk so that they are aware of any issues on campus. This includes the recent problem of campus-related emails being delivered to spam folders.

The IT department has also posted a video demonstrating how to print from campus printers to MySU.

Residence Life and Public Safety have plans in place for commuter students who cannot leave campus in the event of inclement weather.

Commuters stuck on campus should call Public Safety so the Residence Life staff can place them in temporary housing.

The Regional Engagement Center (REC) will hold a holiday pop-up shop on Dec. 1 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The pop-up sale will offer discounted second-hand clothing.

Food Services said the decision to cut back on the sale of bottled water was a sustainability-themed decision.

Veggie burgers will be ordered for the Hawk’s Nest after students noticed they were not available prior to Thanksgiving break.

Food Services manager Kevin Hamilton is meeting with Sustainability Coordinator Derek Martin to discuss the possibility of establishing a composting program.

The plates used by Dining Services are compostable, but there is currently no separate collection bins for the plates, according to Hamilton.

Susquehanna is partnering with Bucknell University to host a sustainability-themed conference next year. Any students and staff with an interest in presenting at the conference on topics such as community initiatives and food access programs must submit proposals by Dec. 14.

More information on the conference and proposal requirements can be found on MySU.

The Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Center is planning to increase the availability of trigger warnings for the Chalk the Walk program in April. The plan came after student complaints and concerns about the messages left on Kurtz Lane during the event and how they can trigger some students.

The VIP Center also invites students to audition for the Vagina Monologues on Dec. 1 in Seibert Hall. Everyone who auditions is guaranteed a role.

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